

Heritage Update

As our preparations for co-education continue, we wanted to share some of the plans we have to ensure that our shared history remains at the heart of the schools.  Those plans include:

  • Displaying all historic plaques and boards along the main corridor in the Tower Building on the Harrison site
  • Displaying the whole school photos from both senior schools together in the Tower Building
  • Creating a timeline of our shared history along the whole West Wing corridor in the Tower Building
  • Renaming some of our buildings to reflect common reference points with relevance to our history
  • Creating a memorial garden to reflect the importance of those we wish to remember across the schools
  • Rehousing other key items from MTGS including the stained glass windows, and Jane Harrison, the school mascot
  • Creating a digital archive of images and video of the schools to add to the existing shared digital archive of our history

We look forward to sharing further updates with you as these plans progress.