

Preparing for the Co-ed Classroom - Coming together, teaching together, learning together

Are teachers ready for going coed?

If we continue to do what we have always done, we will continue to get what we have always got!

Merchant Taylors’ is currently undergoing an exciting and significant transformation, making it the perfect time to reflect on our practices and methods across all aspects of School life, including teaching.

Evidence consistently shows that excellent teaching is the most crucial factor in improving pupil achievement, irrespective of whether the pupil is a girl or boy. Effective teaching addresses the needs of individual pupils, considers how children learn and develops knowledge and skills, and supports them in building a foundation for future learning. Great teaching opens the doors to exceptional learning opportunities.

As we prepare to become fully co-educational by September 2025, Merchant Taylors’ is dedicated to enhancing our teachers’ skills to provide the best possible learning environment for all pupils. To ensure a smooth transition, we are offering staff development sessions and individual study pathways, tailored to the diverse roles within Merchant Taylors’.

So how are we preparing teachers?

Enhancing Professional Development at MTS with the Great Teaching Toolkit

We are excited to announce our collaboration with Evidenced Based Education to establish a unified approach to great teaching and learning.

By focussing on 17 individual elements that define Great Teaching, all staff are actively participating in ongoing continuing professional development (CPD), informed by the latest research on maximising learning. This initiative is fostering sustained and sustainable improvements in both our teaching methods and pupil learning outcomes.

Our partnership with Evidence Based Education underpins both whole-school and individual CPD, guided by a well-defined curriculum from the Great Teaching Toolkit Evidence Review.

A Common Approach for All Staff

Our CPD strategy is centred around the core themes that are relevant to all teaching staff, from Stanfield to the Sixth Form, and across all subjects, from Maths to Music, and Physics to PE. The Great Teacher Toolkit supports these themes by providing evidence-based pathways that guide teachers in the following areas:

Content Mastery: Enhances teachers’ subject knowledge and their teaching methods.
Classroom Environment: Fosters positive and respectful spaces where pupils can thrive.
Maximizing Learning Opportunities: Positively enhances classroom management to boost pupil engagement.
Stimulating Cognitive Development: Promotes critical thinking and deeper learning through interactive lessons.

Role Specific Training

We also understand that professional growth needs to be tailored to the specific roles of our staff. Therefore, in addition to the general CPD framework, we are focussing on developing staff in three key areas:

1. Academic Development: Enhances skills in curriculum planning, instructional strategies, and assessment design.

2. Pastoral Care: Provides staff with tools to support the emotional and social well-being of pupils.

3. Science of Learning: Utilizes the latest research in cognitive science to help teachers improve how students learn and retain information.

Will this all be ready for September?

Supporting School Vision: Fully Co-Educational by 2025

As we progress towards becoming fully co-educational by September 2025, this professional development initiative is closely aligned with the Schools’ broader strategic goals. By investing in teacher expertise through the Great Teacher Toolkit, Merchant Taylors’ will offer an inclusive and enriching educational experience for all pupils. And the work will not stop in September.

This program is designed to be future-ready, ensuring that our teachers are not only well-prepared but also empowered to meet the diverse needs of our expanding pupil body and adapt their approach, both in 2025 and beyond.